sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

Unidad III Aproximacion al Texto

Born Feb. 11, 1847, Milan, Ohio, U.S.—died Oct. 18, 1931, West Orange, N.J.) American inventor who, singly or jointly, held a world record 1,093 patents. In addition, he created the world's first industrial research laboratory.

Edison was the quintessential American inventor in the era of Yankee ingenuity. He began his career in 1863, in the adolescence of the telegraph industry, when virtually the only source of electricity was primitive batteries putting out a low-voltage current. Before he died, in 1931, he had played a critical role in introducing the modern age of electricity. From his laboratories and workshops emanated the phonograph, the carbon-button transmitter for the telephone speaker and microphone, the incandescent lamp, a revolutionary generator of unprecedented efficiency, the first commercial electric light and power system, an experimental electric railroad, and key elements of motion-picture apparatus, as well as a host of other inventions.

Edison was the seventh and last child—the fourth surviving—of Samuel Edison, Jr., and Nancy Elliot Edison. At an early age he developed hearing problems, which have been variously attributed but were most likely due to a familial tendency to mastoiditis. Whatever the cause, Edison's deafness strongly influenced his behaviour and career, providing the motivation for many of his inventions.

1.    ¿Cuándo Nació Thomas (Alva) Edison?

R: 11 de febrero 1847, Milán, New York, Estados Unidos

2.    ¿Dónde estudio?

R: Port Huron, Michigan

3.    ¿Cuál fue su Carrera?

R: Convirtió en un aprendiz de telegrafista, Y en un inventor por excelencia de América

4.    ¿Cuándo y donde murió Thomas Alva Edison?

R: Murió 18 de octubre 1931, en West Orange, Nueva Jersey.

Resolving Project Team Conflicts

Conflicts on project teams are a fact of life! Only on rare occasions do conflicts not arise - even on the smallest projects conflicts rear their ugly heads! It's human nature to have conflicts and it arises for any number of reasons, including:

    * Misunderstandings.
    * Personality clashes.
    * Disagreements about the right way to approach a problem.
    * Egos.

As a project manager, part of your responsibilities includes managing conflicts on the project team. The best way to manage a conflict is to ensure that the parties involved in the conflict are the ones developing the solution. You can't resolve it for them; they have to come to agreement on how to resolve the conflict themselves.

Bear in mind that sometimes a conflict cannot be resolved. For example, you may have two individuals on the project team that just are not going to get along no matter what - too much has happened between them. If you can't help them resolve their conflict, they must, at the very least, work together professionally for the good of the team and the project. Your job in this case, then is to help them figure out how they are going to get through this project being cordial and professional with each other.

Here are some suggestions to get you moving in the right direction:

  Schedule a first meeting with the individuals who are having the conflict to   discuss:

          What is (are) the issue(s)? Get it all out on the table - let them vent.
          What are their perspectives?
          Work with the parties to develop criteria for solutions to their conflict.
 Ask them to think about what they can do to get past the issue, or put it aside, based on the criteria for resolution they agreed to, in order to move forward with working together. What alternatives exist? This should happen overnight - let them sleep on it.

¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?

Acerca de los conflictos que existen en los equipos de trabajo que conforman un proyecto.

¿De qué trata el texto?  Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo?

Como jefe de proyecto, parte de nuestras responsabilidades es la gestión de conflictos en el equipo del proyecto. La mejor manera de manejar un conflicto es garantizar que las partes involucradas en el conflicto son los que desarrollar la solución. Su trabajo en este caso, es ayudarlos a entender cómo se va a conseguir a través de este proyecto, y aprender a ser cordial y profesional con los demás.

  ¿Cuales son las palabras que se repiten?

·        Resolve, project , conflict, team.

¿Qué palabras parecen en español?

·    Resolution, perspectives, direction, individuals, responsibilities, Egos, occasions, Conflicts.

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