sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Taller de la Unidad 1-2

Managing Projects on a Global Scale
There are no longer many physical obstacles to performing global projects. Instantaneous global collaboration, inexpensive resource transportation, and near-global access to knowledge have expanded organizations’ horizons and consumer markets. At the same time, however, these now-hurdled obstacles present new challenges to the global project manager though distance is now surmountable, what happens when project team members speak different languages, for example? We may have instantaneous communication, but this doesn't necessarily translate into instant comprehension.
So where does this current level of interconnectedness leave the modern global project manager? The internet and globalization are too young to have expunged regional differences, yet they make collaboration between these regions too profitable to be ignored. The following obstacles are real threats to conducting good business, but can all be hurdled using a combination of new technology - the tools which have brought us this far along - and old tactics - the tried and true elements which constitute business as we know it. Though new generations may not experience these same complications as we do today, they currently pose a threat to conducting smooth business.
Agreeing on a Work Culture
While understanding key cultural differences is crucial to project success, it's also wise to establish standards as to meeting conventions, status updates, and work expectations. Don't assume that your team approaches these in the same; establish guidelines early on and get your team to collaborate effectively. Vocalise your expectations to remove tension and to get everyone on the same page.
At the same time, don't try to pave over real differences in the way your individual team members operate. Be aware of cultural differences and diverse work methodologies to bridge differences in the most positive manner possible. Let everyone bring their unique strengths to the table, but at the same time make sure they know exactly when to arrive at that table.
As with any project management issue, it's imperative that you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members in order to complete projects on time. Spend time getting to know everyone, encourage collaboration and an esprit de corps, and assign work accordingly. Understanding the mix of your team's skills, experiences, and personalities allows you to adapt your project to the team's unique DNA.
Different cultures may complement one another, but it's also possible that they will butt heads. Plan accordingly, be prepared to adapt quickly, and arm yourselves with the right tools and you should be able to pull off any project without too much of a hitch.

ü  Palabras que no conoces, Agrega las abreviaciones.
          Performing: Realizar,  Adj. (Adjetivo).
          Expunged: Cancelado, Vrb (Verbo).
          Understanding: Compresión,  Vrb (Verbo).

ü  Idea principal del texto
Actualmente existen herramientas modernas de gestión de proyectos, como: correo electrónico, chat y videoconferencia que hoy en día facilitan reunirse con diferentes personas en interactuar unos con otros y también para aumentar su sentido de trabajo en equipo, su colaboración especialmente cuando se encuentran dispersado por  todo el mundo. 

ü  Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)
Ø  Palabras de Contenido:
ü  Sustantivos: Manner, technology
ü  Verbos: Project, make
ü  Adjetivos: Cultural, global
ü  Adverbios: Though, same
Ø  Palabras de Función:
ü  Conjunciones: And, But
ü  Preposiciones: To, over
ü  Cognados Verdaderos: Different, real
ü  Cognados Falsos: May, inexpensive
ü  Sufijos: Globalization, currently
ü  Prefijos: Updates, experiences
ü  Artículos: the, A

ü  Estructura de la Oración:
Ø  These now-hurdled obstacles present new challenges to the global project manager
           F.N: These now-hurdled obstacles present new
           N: present
           Pre Modificadores: These now-hurdled obstacles
           Post Modificadores: new challenges to the global project manager 
           F.V: Challenges to the global project manager
           N.F.V: Challenges
          T.P: Presente Simple
Ø  As with any project management issue it is imperative that you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members in order to complete projects on time.
           F.N: As with any project management issue it
           N: Project Management
           Pre Modificadores: As with any
           Post Modificadores: issue it
           F.V:   is       
           N.F.V:  imperative that you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each of your team members in order to complete projects on time.
           T.P: Presente Simple.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011


Three Tips for Being a Good Manager

1. Understand the Value of Your Employees

You can't accomplish your team's objectives by yourself, so work hard to help your employees do their jobs. Remove obstacles, work through glitches, and fight for the resources your employees need to achieve success.

2. Look for Each Member's Strengths and Leverage Them

By utilising an employee's natural strengths to their full potential, you'll not only allow the employee to feel a tremendous sense of value and accomplishment, you'll also be giving your team the benefit of those skills.

3. Be a Cheerleader

You should be your employees' biggest fan and strongest supporter. Ensure that your executive team is aware of your group's accomplishments, work with senior staff members to gain recognition for the team's successes, and be diligent in rewarding individual achievers with promotions when appropriate.

  1.  Palabras Nuevas:
  • Success : Exito (S) Sustantivo
  • Strengths: Fortaleza (S) Sustantivo
  • Skills: Habilidades (S) Sustantivo
  • Accomplishments: Logros (S) Sustantivo
  • Achievers: Triunfadores (S) Sustantivo
Categorías Lexicales:

Sustantivos: Employees, Work
Adjetivos: Through,  Potential
Verbos: help, to feel
Artículos: an, the
Preposiciones: for, in
Conjunciones: that, and
Sufijos: giving, rewarding
Cognados Verdaderos: benefit, executive
Cognados Negativo: value, successes
Prefijos: recognition,Remove

Idea Principal del Texto

Para mantener un equipo de gestión de proyectos sin problemas puede ser un reto, especialmente cuando los presupuestos son macros y las expectativas son altas. Cada gerente debe averiguar la mejor manera de dirigir y motivar a su equipo de trabajo y juntos lograr llegar al éxito por el camino correcto

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Welcome to my Blog¡¡¡¡

Hola Bienvenido a mi Blog mi Nombre es Cesar Mora, soy Ing Mecanico egresado de la Universidad del Zulia, actualmente estoy realizando en postgrado de Gerencia de Proyectos Industriales en la URBE, Mis expectativas en la Maestria es ampliar mis conocimientos en el area de proyectos y usar adecuadamente las herramientas para la Gerencia de Proyectos.

Me gusta jugar basket, comerrrrrrr, cine, viajarrrrrr y leer, gracias por tu visita deja tu comentarios.